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BOHR International Journal of Current Research in Diabetes and Preventive Medicine (BIJRDPM)

Appealing Against a Rejection From Our Journals

Authors can appeal against a rejection from our journals but cannot submit an appeal whilst their article is under the peer review process and the same ethical standards apply. Please refer to our Publication Ethics further information.

Authors should contact the for reconsideration of publishing their article. They should respond to the decision letter and should directly address the reason(s) mentioned in the reviewers’ report for the initial rejection. Appeals that do not address reviewers’ comments or contain offensive language will not be considered. If found convincing by the editorial board, the appeal will be taken forward and the article will be subjected to the peer review process. The author should not submit a revised version of the article until the appeal process is complete. In case of the appeal being rejected, the original rejection decision is upheld and no further consideration of that article is possible.

The author must appeal within four weeks of rejection of the article; otherwise, the appeal will not be considered.

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How to make a complaint

The authors and readers should send their complaints with journal title, volume no., issue no., paper ID, paper title, and page no to the journal email ID


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